The 12th instalment of the annual Hargeysa International Book Fair will be held in July, from 20th to 25th, in Hargeysa, Somaliland, with the theme of coexistence and the guest country of Egypt.

COEXISTENCE: The Theme of the Year (2019)
On its 12th anniversary, the Hargeysa International Book Fair (HIBF) has adopted the theme of ‘Coexistence’ to be central to the events of this year’s Book Fair programme. Throughout the annals of history, all the conflicts for which humanity has paid in millions of human lives and immeasurable destruction of properties have been based on suspicion and hostility engendered by differences in creed and culture. Sadly enough, no continent in our planet today seems to be totally free from the scourge of political and ideological conflict. Albeit in varying degrees, the plight of war still remains a major concern of all countries in our boastful era of unimagined advancement in science and technology. That is why we zealously hold the principle of Peaceful Coexistence as the most cherished and practical idea for bringing together peoples and nations at variance in their political ideologies and national traditions to live in lasting peace and harmony. The same applies within intrastate and interstate social conflicts.

Even in the current international quest for overcoming the challenges of global warming, it is rightly conjured that the realisation of peaceful coexistence is essentially seen as a requisite condition towards that objective.

So far the themes explored at Hargeysa International Book Fair have included Freedom, Censorship, Citizenship, Collective memory, Visualization of the future, Journey, Imagination, Spaces, Leadership & Creativity, Connectivity and Wisdom. We will focus this year on the principle of peaceful coexistence of nations and people, in contrast to the antagonistic contradiction principal that nations with competing interest and ideologies could never coexist.

The choice of peaceful coexistence as our theme of the year has not come about casually at all. It has always been our firm belief, in the Redsea Cultural Foundation, that the advocacy and upholding of this cardinal principle is the real test of our claim to genuine human civilization. So, let us pool our efforts together in order to make this claim come true.

Egypt : This Year’s Guest Country
We take both great pride and pleasure to be hosting Egypt as our Guest Country for this year’s Hargeysa International Book Fair. The reasons for our choice are too many to relate in this brief introductory note. Suffice it to say that Egypt has a special place in the minds and living memory of the people of Somaliland. The future prospects of both countries also seem to be equally entangled.

Despite the huge numerical difference in population and potentiality, yet the two countries share similar histories in that both are bound by the Islamic religion, they have experienced the rules of the Turks and later the British in the past century. Both occupy geopolitical strategies; Egypt at the Northern entrance of the Red Sea, and the people to people interaction is millennia old, with Somaliland located at the Southern post. Moreover, giving praise where it is due, there is hardly any country in the African continent in which Egypt has not left its marks in the spheres of education, politics, arts or culture. In Somaliland, the majority of our foreign educators and foreign health professionals are Egyptian, while global appreciation for Egyptian scholarship and academia in general is evident.

By having Egypt as our Guest Country, we in the Redsea Cultural Foundation, look forward to hugely benefit from the distinguished scholars, artists and intellectuals who will surely bring along with them invaluable experience we are so eager to share. We most warmly welcome our highly reputed and respected Egyptian guests.

Social media tags
Follow us
on twitter @HIBF, official hashtag #HIBF2019.
on FB fb.com/HargeysaBookFair or fb.com/XaruntaDhaqankaHargeysa
web: www.redsea-online.org
e-mail: info@hargeysabookfair.org

We look forward to welcoming each and every one of you to Hargeysa International Book Fair 2019.

Hargeysa Cultural Center
23rd February 2019

Research Urbanization Dynamics in East Africa: Insights from Malawi

PhD Session, researching urbanization dynamic in east Africa: insights from Malawi.  Wednesday 13/02 at the 7:45 pm – 10:30pm the Hargeisa Culture Center (HCC).

Academic dialogue in Hargeisa aims to assist in the production of knowledge in the field of Somali studies, also to act as a network for student and scholars during fieldwork in Hargeisa. Similarly, ADIH aims to help scholars gain a better, more nuanced understanding of Somaliland as a subject of study whilst exposing students to a wealth of locally produced
Dr. Jama Musse Jama started the event with the importance of research cooperation introducing Dr. Donald Brown to the audience and stage.
Dr. Donald Brown is from the Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College London (UCL) he started sharing his research experience on his research titled “Researching Urbanization Dynamics in East Africa: Insights from Malawi” Sub-Saharan Africa is simultaneously the world’s least urbanized and one of the most rapidly urbanizing regions. However, while the sub-continent’s population is urbanizing as a whole, there are substantial differences in urbanization patterns and trends within and
between regions. In this talk, Donald Brown shared his experiences from his PhD researching urbanization dynamics in East Africa based on the case of Malawi. Particular attention is focused on to how the research process unfolded, with a focus on study approach and design, and methodological issues faced in the field. The objective of the talk was to spark discussion on what makes Somaliland’s urban transition exceptional in the East African context, and how its study might be approached from both an academic and
policy perspective.
One of the questions raised from the public was ‘How increasing urbanization shrinks space and whether similarity blue between Somaliland and Malawi?’’ Dr. Donald Brown answering this question said ‘’Urbanization involves communal interaction that not necessarily involves neighborhood but villages’’
At last, Dr. Donald explained how urbanization process involved a whole range of socio-economic transformations that are important to note , because of this new settlements newtrade centers and small business emerge Pointed Gender division of labor in the process,
Centrality of statistics and how it’s the discus Regarding settlements.

Mother Tongue Day

February 21 st is a day devoted to celebrating mother tongue all around the world. Therefore, we also arrange an event at Hargeisa Cultural Centre each year to come together and talk about the importance of Mother tongue and the role it plays in our identity.

Ismaaciil C Ubax, the project manager at Hargeisa Cultural Centre was leading the first part of this event giving the audience a brief background about how this day became significant. Bangladesh fought for recognition for the Bangla language in February 21 st 1948. Pakistan who was separated into east and west had fought after the government of Pakistan declared that the sole language of Pakistan will be Urdu which upset the east. The
east had more population than the west so they argued that Bangla must be the sole language as well. A civil war broke out as a result. Since it was a tragic event inspired by the recognition of mother tongue, February 21 st became the international language day. UNESCO also officially announced it in November 17 th 1999.
Mawlid Adan Biixi began this event with speaking about the richness of the
Somali language. He took examples of words that have multiple meanings and that can be used in different contexts. He also mentioned how there are names for certain things and sub-names as well because our language is rich. An example of such things is Waran. Waran is Spear in Somali but it also has other sub-names such as Hooto, Eello, Xalaash, Qaash and Garmaqaate. Maliid continued taking more examples and tracing back to the original meanings of some Somali words.
Awale Ismail Saleban was our second guest speaker who prepared a poem
for this occasion. The poem was about education and the doors it opens for
people. His poem inspired learning and that included learning our mother
language also.
Dr. Jama Musse led the second part of the event calling Mr. Saed Jama on stage. Mr. Saed is a creative writing teacher and has written many short stories as well.
He shared some of his stories as a motivation for everybody and to also show his contribution to the Somali language. Mr. Saed concluded his speech by saying “We are the only ones who can uplift our mother language and give meaning to it”

The last part of the event was dedicated to Mr. Mohamoud Sheikh Ahmed
Dalmar’s book Irdho.The book metaphorically tells a story about the Somali
language migrating to London. The Somali language screams and shouts for help. It seeks asylum saying that Somali people are here and it followed them therefore wants to be granted asylum so it can stay and live in London.
Overall, this event was successful; there was also a singer who sang a few Somali songs. All the guest speakers presented something important and special for this mother tongue occasion. The purpose of it was to honor our mother tongue and inspire the youth to value it so the upcoming generations will also continue
strengthening it.

Caweyska Qaraamiga (Qaraami Night)

The event of Qaraami songs was different from the regular events that usually happen at Hargeisa cultural centre.

The night was dedicated to Qaraami songs and understanding what Qaraami really means. The guests of the night who were chosen to educate people about what Qaraami is; were Caabi Mire, Marduuf, Buulo and Mohamed Burco.

Dr. Jama Musse Jama started off the event with defining what Qaraami Music is

Jama said “Qaraami are songs with certain tunes (Laxan), Just because a guitar is played for a song does not mean it is Qaraami” After Dr. Jama’s short introduction, Caabi mire who is a well-known singer and his crew started the night and played a series of fifteen Qaraami songs.

The types of Qaraami songs the crew played were Aroor, Beerdillaacshe, Carwo, Hayaan, Madiix, Iskushuban, Kaar, Laac, Nugul, Raaxeeye, Riftoon, Subcis, Rogaal, Xaafuun and Murug. The audience was given a chance to sing as well to keep them engaged in the event.

This was a very Interest event people enjoying the music at the same time learning more about what they were listening. We hope people enjoyed the night and are able now to tell which songs are Qaraami and which are not.

Adolescent Health

On Tuesday night 7:45pm February 19 th, an event held at Hargeysa Cultural Centre assembled a group of professionals who discussed Adolescent Health in Somaliland. This event took place with the help of joined young activists, different organization workers, health professionals and government officials. They spoke about how different factors such as income and education affect Adolescent Health and how they are interdependent on each other.
The event was not held only to inspire Somaliland youth to seek medical help when needed but also to highlight the lack of medical check-ups and counselling that are accessible for the youth.
The guest speakers also touched on the importance of staying healthy and preventing diseases in the first place. Mohamed Dhamac, a member of Sonyo said “a common disease which is prevalent among youth globally is HIV/AIDS and a good way we have always prevented it is marriage”.Other guest speakers also suggested effective ways of avoiding or living with other
types of diseases.
Abdiqani Abdillahi spoke about the adolescence period and the various health related issues that are commonly observed at that this stage of human growth. Important worth mentioning here, is the need to seek out professional health help which, as Abdiqani pointed out, will be disastrous if not taken seriously. The discussion then took another turn with Mohamed
Dhamac, discussing the importance of maintaining a healthy youth and how it’s of immense importance to have a healthy youth as it will lead to healthy community as rightly pointed out by Dhamac.
Our third speaker was Dr. Hamda Abdirahman, a Psychologist and a lecturer who spoke about the mental health of youth. The message she was sending is that, young people want to be heard. Because traditionally we (Somalis) do not consider children’s opinion that much which as a result can cause them to mentally suffer. She suggested that we talk to
children about their opinion and personal problems so they won’t get depressed and end up becoming mentally ill which can actually cause them taking their own lives. Poverty and healthcare was another major issue touched upon in the event and Dr. Barkhad Hussein brilliantly explained the relationship between poverty and healthcare accessibility and he shared a touching story about a young boy who suffered from diabetes. He told us the boy’s journey from middle school to university and the obstacles
he faced on the way. What was deeply sad about this story is the fact that the young boy struggled to pay for his medication and even taking them while in school. “Double 2 Burden” is the term he used to describe the boy’s situation. Dr. Barkhad said, “This is how I will transmit my message, and it is for you to get the point out of it.”

– Dr. Mariam spoke last before the discussion group. Mariam asked the audience “where
do you go when you need medical help?” Then she explored different options people
normally have and what they do instead. Dr. Mariam highly recommended people to go
to pharmacies or hospitals and seek counselors to maintain a good health. The event was
concluded with engagement and thoughts by the audience whose discussions centered

a) The fact that Somaliland Youth doesn’t have a special healthcare system and
b) people/ government’s perspective of youth and the Psychology of adolescence.
The main idea behind this event was for people to hear and learn from each other then spread their ideas to the community especially to those it concerns. They concluded that Adolescent health needs special attention and raising public awareness of the issue. Achieving this would also improve not only youth’s well being but the economy and education of Somaliland.

Breast Cancer


A group of female doctors arranged the event on Sunday night March 3rd where they spoke about Breast Cancer and how common it is in our country particularly among women. Breast Cancer is globally the second most common type of cancer. A lot of people die from it due to delay in seeking medical advice but in the case of Somaliland, Women are shy about reaching out for help which as a result causes early preventable deaths. Breast Cancer is not a disease that happens to women only but men can get it as well although it is estimated that only 1% of men get it.

Dr. Saynab was leading this event and introduced the importance of this topic and how they created their team. “We decided to initiate this team in 2015 in the hope of helping people to be aware of this disease but we officially started in March 3rd 2016” Dr. Saynab also talked about the causes of breast cancer. She said “Some of the things that cause cancer are prolonged take of birth control pills, Alcohol, Cigarettes and Qat. It could be hereditary too”


Dr. Shukri Daahir spoke next about the percentage of women affected by Breast cancer in the world. She reported that “17.5 million women get cancer per year and 9 million of them die. 1.7 million get breast cancer” Dr. Shukri also mentioned that in every 182,000 women in America 26% of them get breast cancer so it is pretty serious. Dr. Shukri touched on how there is a good medical help in America. The survival rate is very high. However, in the case of Somaliland, women are not as worried as they should be about their health. “Part of it is lack of health awareness and the fact that Chemotherapy is not available in Somaliland. Another obstacle on the way is using herbal medicine which in terms of cancer is not useful at all.”  Dr. Shukri also classified the areas in Africa affected by breast cancer into three different parts. Central Africa, South Africa and Sub Saharan Africa. She said that breast cancer is most common in the Sub-Saharan area because it is where women die at home mostly.

Dr. Sahra Caydiid listed the symptoms of breast Cancer. She said “if you see these signs then you should immediately contact a doctor. Symptoms are Change in your normal breast color, change in size, unusual hardness of the breast, swelling, blood or milk leaking from your breast, severe pain, and laceration as well as skin holes.”

Lastly, Dr. Afnan spoke about the treatment of breast cancer in which she categorized into four stage treatment. She said “When the tumor is only in the breast and has not spread to any other place then we cut out the breast. If the tumor reaches the muscles around the breast and the glands, we also cut it. However, when it spreads to the entire body, there is nothing we could do about it.” Therefore Dr. Afnan highly recommended that we (both men and women) do checkups every now and then.

This event was very important for it was an eye opening to our community and will eventually save lives. It was a motivation to those who are too shy to come get help and enlightening to those who don’t understand the risk they are taking by dealing with breast cancer at home. In the end of this event, the audience was given a chance to ask questions and all three doctors answered them. We had ninety people come to the event twenty six of them males and sixty four females. What we hope people to take away from it is that breast cancer is a life threatening disease and should be dealt with in hospitals and to also prevent it by staying healthy and checking yourself up regularly.

Dacar Cas/Somaliland Red Aloe: New species of Aloe described in Somaliland

By the two researchers Mary Barkworth who is a plant taxonomist who retired from Utah State University in 2012.

In 2015, she became interested in helping Somalilanddevelop, in Somaliland, resources for studying its biodiversity, particularly its plant diversity, Mary’s research was focused on two groups of grasses, neither of which is well represented in Somaliland, but she was able to assist in
bringing the Somali Red Aloe to the attention of scientists because as a taxonomist, she is aware of the requirements for formally naming species that has not previously been recognized. And
Ahmed Awale is well known in Somaliland for his passionate commitment to the Somaliland’s environment, which is reflected in his many publications and his work as Chair of Candlelight, an organization devoted to the environment, education, and health in Somaliland. He discovered the first population of the Somali Red Aloe while traveling for Candlelight in 2013.

Because of his knowledge of Somaliland’s plants, particularly its succulents, he realized it might be undescribed. The recently published paper is an outcome of his insight. Formal recognition of the Somali Red Aloe will, it is hoped, aid in promoting conservation of Somaliland’s rich natural heritage and its recognition as an integral part of Somaliland’s cultural heritage. Mary Barkworth talking about the researcher process and the researcher’s hypothesis while describing the new Aloe.
Ahmed Ibrahim Awale talking about the discovery of new species of Aloe in Somaliland and Description and identification of a new alone species, material and methods, figs and introduction of the Researcher. Also A new species of Aloe ( Asphodelaceae )is described from Somaliland. It differs from other species in forming large clumps and in having sap that is initially yellow but quickly turns bright red and then dark red or reddish-brown, paniculate red-flowered inflorescences and uniformly colored
leaves with red teeth. And recognitions raise the number of species known from the combined area of Somaliland and Somalia from 31 to 36.
Also differed from other Aloe species in the region in having leaves with reddish teeth and, when cut, an exudate that rapidly turns from yellow to bright red.
Also noticed the plants, referring to them as (Dacar Cas), or Red, to distinguish them from other Aloes in
the region, such as Da’ar Buduk (Dacar Budhuq), the name used locally for A. retrospections Reynolds.
Also noted he is collected cuttings to grow and observe in Hargeisa. The flowers were protandrous, forming plump, well-filled anthers that matured before the styles had fully elongated. Both the anthers and the styles appeared fully functional. These observations made it unlikely that the plants were hybrids. After very interesting presentation that questions and discussion session starting, Ahmed Awale
and Mary Barkworth reflecting on the question.

International Day of Disability: 2018

3rd December marks the international day of people with limited ability. In the occasion, Yoonis Cabdiraxmaan, a student at the New Generation University, Hargeysa, with a limited sight, gave a public talk on the situation of the people with limited ability (physical or otherwise) at the Hargeysa Cultural Centre focusing especia.lly on educational possibilities and challenges.

Yoonis Cabdiraxmaan shared with us the challenges a young person with limited ability faces daily and the their future.  Yoonis said: “When I first wanted to join the field of journalism, I faced some challenges. I remember people telling me ‘how can you get any benefits from this field when the ones with sight couldn’t get any’ so I managed to get a scholarship after paying for the first month of the school by myself. My own family couldn’t agree with me in the first place to go studying in the university’’.

He continued “The massage I want to pass on tonight is ‘people with disabilities are part of the community and they don’t belong to stay home,  they deserve to  play their part in the community as well, they need to participate in the politics, I want to be able to  contribute in the politics of my country despite my disability’’.

President of the New Generation University, Mr. Cabdiwaasac, also gave an enriching speech to honouring today’s people with limited mobility as well as to Yoonis Cabdiraxmaan, by saying “We are willing to offer Yoonis to do his Master’s degree with us”

Job Announcements



Title: Assistant Librarian                                                   Ref: RCF-HCC-COJB044-18

Reporting to: Head of the Department of Archive       Job Type: Part-time

Duty Station: Hargeysa                                                   Duration: 1 year (renewable)


Organizational Background

Redsea Cultural Foundation (RCF) is an art organisation based in Somaliland that has the aim of promoting reading and creative writing in Somaliland with a particular focus on youth. For the last ten years, RCF has been organising an annual international book fair in Hargeysa, the capital of Somaliland. The HIBF has grown into the largest literary festival in East Africa, attracting up to 10,000 participants each year and writers from across Africa, as well as Europe and the USA. In 2014 RCF opened a permanent cultural centre in Hargeysa, extending the activities of the book fair throughout the year. RCF is recruiting a very motivated and talented candidate, and hereby announcing a new position for Assistant Librarian.

Position details: responsibilities

  1. Library Management

 Librarianship and Information Management fundamentals and concepts.

  • Practical’s – shelving, library classification systems,  reference queries
  • Practical on automated system (KOHA system is preferred but not necessary requirement)
  1. Library Knowledge
  • Processing of information resources
  • Accessioning of library resources
  • Cataloguing – standards and different types
  1. Library Automation
  • Indexing and citation
  • Collections’ development policy
  • Digital depositories
  • E-information sources
  • Open access resources

Candidates with IT background are desired.

What we’re looking for

  • Strong and effective communicator, both written and verbal, with excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work independently, as well as maintain a positive working relationship with other staff.
  • Flexible, gentle and willing to learn and improve.

Application Procedure

Interested candidates who met the above criteria should sent updated applications letter (motivate your interest to get this position and submit in Somali or English or Both), CV and at least two professional references with contacts to recruitment@redsea-online.org not later than 12:00AM of Friday 14th December 2018 or personally deliver to Hargeysa Cultural Centre, 26 June Street, No. 2, Sha’ab Area, Hargeysa by 06.00PM, Thursday the 13th December, 2018 If you do send it by email, and you do not receive a notification email, please call 063 3628220 or 065 9853666 for confirmation before the deadline. Please indicate “Assistant Librarian’’ in the subject of the email.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. An identification ID will be needed for examinations. The successful applicant starts to work from the 1st of January 2019.



Title: Admin and Finance Assistant                          Ref: RCF-HCC-COJB045-18

Reporting to: Director                                              Job type:        Full time

Duty Station: Hargeysa                                            Duration:       One year

Organizational Background

Redsea Cultural Foundation (RCF) is an art organisation based in Somaliland that has the aim of promoting reading and creative writing in Somaliland with a particular focus on youth. For the last ten years, RCF has been organising an annual international book fair in Hargeysa, the capital of Somaliland. The HIBF has grown into the largest literary festival in East Africa, attracting up to 10,000 participants each year and writers from across Africa, as well as Europe and the USA. In 2014 RCF opened a permanent cultural centre in Hargeysa, extending the activities of the book fair throughout the year. RCF is recruiting a very motivated and talented candidate, and hereby announcing a new position for Admin & Finance Intern.

Position details: responsibilities

1. Administration
  • He/she is responsible for supervising the smooth running of all administrative matters of Redsea Cultural Foundation in collaboration with Admin and Finance Officer, in particularly to:
  • Prepare hotel booking and reservation
  • Assists the Artistic Director to organize workshops, trainings and festivals
  • Assists the Librarians in books acquisition and reading space maintenance
  • Coordinate meeting/forums and ensure minutes are prepared and circulated on time
  • Responsible for organizational assets, verify on regular basis and ensure its maintenance.
  • Prepare all Office correspondence
  • Ensure that organizational registration certificate is renewed on yearly basis
  • Ensure that the filing systems for all office documents are updated at all the times.
2. Human Resource Management
  • File and update all Human Resource related documents.
  • Prepare job descriptions for supporting staff (librarians, admin officer, security, watchman, driver and cleaner)
  • Coordinate, monitor and guide the Admin and Finance Officer and subordinates staff
  • Monitor reporting time of the job and monitor  attendance sheet
  • Prepare leave report on monthly basis
  • Assist the Director in the recruitment process
3. Logistic Management
  • He/she is responsible for supervising the smooth running of all logistical matters of Redsea Cultural Foundation with Admin and Finance Officer, in particularly to:
  • Ensure all procurements are managed smoothly and on time according to RCF procurement procedures
  • Responsible for effective and efficient transport management
  • Handle flight arrangements both locally and Internationally
  • Process visa for visitors and staff one week before their arrival
  • Manage overall logistical needs of Hargeysa Inernational Book Fair and other major events.
4. Finance
  • Prepares payments, purchase authorizations, governmental tax and other financial transactions to ensure compliance with staff rules, funder requirements, organizational financial rules and guidlines and national governmental rules and procedures.
  • In close collaboration with Admin and Finance Officer, maintains updated Cash-book and verifies the proper archiving system of any supporting documentation for each transaction.
  • Verifies and approves with the proper supporting documentation of all book keeping matters submitted by the Admin and Finance Officer.
  • Makes sure data inserted in Quick Book system within the working date received and maintains updated the Financial System of the organization.
  • Ensures daily Backup system with external Hard Disks of any Financial Data.
  • Manages and constantly reviews banking arrangements to ensure timely transfer of funds and minimize exchange loses and bank charges
  • Advises the Director on all budgetary and financial matters in particularly financial planning, fund line allocations and new proposals preparation.
  • In close coordination with Director, coordinate replies to finance related audit comments.
  • In close collaboration with Admin and Finance Officer, carries out a bank reconciliation every month and seeks the approval of the Director within the last date of each month.
  • Verifies the budget constantly and prepares monthly forecasting statement with in the last 3 working days of the previous month.
  • Prepares end of month accounts and seeks the approval of the Director within the 3rd day of the next month
  • Prepares quarterly organization financial report
  • Prepares yearly financial report
Position details: Education, Skills and Experience
  • University Degree in Business Administration, Finance or equivalent.
  • At least 3 years working experience with an International or similar Organization in relevant field.
  • Excellent analytical, communication, negotiation skills and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent in writing and speaking in Somali and English
  • Good knowledge in Computer and the use MS Office knowledge are must. Use of Quick Book software is very important add on
  • Ability to work under highly stressful conditions
  • Appreciation of art and culture in general is an important add on
  • Knowledge of EU funded projects in financial procedures is an important add on
Application Procedure

Interested candidates who met the above criteria should send updated applications letter (motivate your interest to get this position and submit both in Somali and English), CV and at least two professional references with contacts to recruitment@redsea-online.org not later than 12:00AM of Friday 14th December 2018 or hand deliver to Hargeysa Cultural Centre, No 2, 26 June Street, Sha’ab Area, Hargeysa not later than 06:00 pm Thursday 13th of December 2018. If you do send it by email, and you do not receive a notification email, please call 063 3628220 or 065 9853666 for confirmation before the deadline. Please indicate “Admin and Finance’’ in the subject of the email.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. An identification ID will be needed for examinations. The successful applicant starts to work from the 1st of January 2019.



The Hargeysa Cultural Center was opened in August 2014 in Hargeysa, Somaliland. The Center was established by Redsea Cultural Foundation (RCF). Since its establishment, the Hargeysa Cultural Center has become an important feature in Hargeysa’s cultural landscape. The success of the center owes much to the respect that RCF has gained from its work on running the annual Hargeysa International Book Fair, which, now in its eighth year, has become one of the most admired cultural events in the region.

Mailing form

Our Contacts

26 June Street No. 2, Sha'ab area, Hargeysa, Somaliland


Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa