Ilbaxnimadii Islaamka iyo Saamaynta ay ku yeelatay adduunyada inteeda kale.

Sheekh Maxamuud Sheekh Axmed Dalmar iyo Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa. Waxa hagaya Sheekh Almis Yaxye

Soo ifbixii Islaamka ee qarnigii 7aad iyo aasaasiddii imbraadoriyaddii Islaamka ayaa soo shaacbixisey muddo lix qarni ah hormur ku socda xawli aan hore loo arag, oo taabanaya dhinacyo badan oo aqoonta ah. Kolkii ay Yurub ku jirtey wixi loo yaqaannay xilligii mugdiga, ayaa aasaaska xaddaaradda adduunku ka dhismaysay xarumo cilmiga ee adduunka muslimka ah, sida Baqdaad, Dimishiq, Qaahira, Kordova, Baleermo iyo kuwa kale.

Guuliihii aqoonta iyo cilmibaadhista ee culuunta kala duwan, sida xisaabta, falagga, fiisikada kimikada, caafimaadka iyo in ka badan oo ah cilmiyada dabeecada, ayaa midhodhal noqday. Taasi waa sheekada werinaysa casrigii dahabiga ahaa ee ilbaxnimada Islaamka ee sida qotoda dheer u beddeshay wejigii adduunka.

Intaas iyo in kabadanba waa hubaal inaad waxbadan korodhsan doonto hooska daawo mawduucaasi oo dhamaystiran

Researchers meeting at Hargeysa Cultural Center

Hargeysa Cultural Center hosted an evening of networking for researchers working on Somali studies coming from Somaliland, Somalia, UK, USA and Ethiopia. Several universities, including University of Hargeysa, Puntland State University, University College London and Bristol University as well as partner institutions including Rift Valley Institute and Progressio attended the informal meeting. The evening intact brought together groups of researchers with vast experience and areas of interest to encourage the sharing of knowledge, experience and current works. Over 100 people attended the evening’s events, despite each participant’s busy schedule, the event was a welcomed break and an opportunity to develop further links beyond the participant’s respective organization and field of interest.

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The evening was also an opportunity for researchers of all levels from across four continents to network and learn more about current research topics within the region. Within the Somali regions, a lack of dissemination and sharing of knowledge is often noted as a challenge within the research field. This evening was an opportunity for researchers to network and form relationships that would encourage communication amongst researchers and to establish a link with the Hargeysa Cultural Center, where research dissemination is encouraged and a platform for discussion is always available.

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Dr. Jama Muse Jama, Director of the Hargeysa Cultural Center, began the evening with some dinner and entertainment in the Center’s outdoor theater. Guests were welcomed with an array of traditional Somali dance and music followed by a tour of the facilities. Jama, also used the opportunity to inform guests of the upcoming Somali Studies conference that is to be held in 2018. Rare copies of books and articles were made available for the guests to view and read. For participants residing outside of Somaliland, the event was an opportunity to learn more about research within the Somali regions and how to best access resources, which is a challenge for many Somali researchers.

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The evening ended with some live Somali music in the Center’s theater, were the participants heard some traditional and modern Somali songs.


Wednesday 21 September

The Somaliland Camel Corps: The forgotten Soldiers

Somalia-Camel-Corps-500x188By Dr. Adan Yusuf Abokor

Redsea Cultural Foundation presented on the evening of 10th Feb 2016 ‘Somaliland Camel Corps: The Forgotten Soldiers’ at Hargeysa Cultural Centre. This one-hour documentary, produced by Iman Sheel alongside with Sahan Society Centre in the UK, pays tribute to all the Somaliland heroes who fought during the First and the Second World Wars, whose courage, loyalty and commitment to the cause was extraordinary but whose stories have, unfortunately, not always been given the recognition they deserve. More…

Report of the First Linguistics Workshop held at the Hargeysa Cultural Centre, December 2015

IMG_5349Download PDF: Report of First Linguistics Workshop on Somali Language and Literature

Afka iyo Suugaanta Soomaalida – Kulan-hawleedka Kowaad ee Af-aqoonka (Somali Language and Literature – First Linguistics Workshop)

Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa | Hargeysa Cultural Centre
14-20 December 2015, Hargeysa, Somaliland

The objective of the workshop was to facilitate collaboration among scholars in the field of Somali language studies through presenting their ongoing projects or finished work. This also allowed others who are conducting research, studies, or simply take an interest in the domain of Somali linguistics to learn more about current issues and ideas in this field, and the audience at the workshop actually counted many participants besides the invited scholars, such as students, journalists and writers.

Somaliland: Peace without a monopoly on violence – Dr. Sarah Phillips

EventSarahPhyllipsSarah Phillips lectures in international security and development, international relations, and comparative politics. She has conducted extensive fieldwork in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa -particularly in Yemen, Somaliland, Kenya, Jordan, Pakistan, and Oman – and has advised numerous governments and international development agencies on matters pertaining to these areas. Dr. Phillips’s talk with focus on maintaining peace when there isn’t a government with a monopoly on force, and how external world sees Somaliland’s ability to maintain the peace.

Title: Somaliland: Peace without a monopoly on violence
Speaker: Dr. Sarah Phillips, University of Sydney
Moderated by: Barkhad M. Kaariye
Date: Thursday 1st October 2015 – Time: 19.40
Venue: Hargeysa Cultural Centre

Tahriib Waa Aafo Qaran (Tahriib a National Disaster)

Tahriib a National Disaster - oTahriib Waa Aafo Qaran (Tahriib a National Disaster)
4th June – Hargeysa Cultural Centre

Today we are witnessing an unprecedented exodus of people from mainly war-torn countries and conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East to supposedly safe and prosperous environs in Europe and North America. The sheer numbers of people who are willing to risk their lives by placing themselves in the hands of ruthless human traffickers, and travelling through war-torn countries and cross the Mediterranean on flimsy boats and rafts, is very disturbing. What we see reported in the media is usually the final leg of extraordinary journeys of hardship that people have endured from their home countries. We know very little about those who died along the way. Southern and Northern governments appear incapable of addressing the root causes of the phenomenon. More…

Tabobbarka dhaqanka ee Agabka Hadhaadiga ah

DhaqankaCourseBannerTabobbar ku saabsan garashada, dhowrista iyo badbaadinta agabka hadhaadiga ah. Tababbarku wuxuu soconayaa 30 Meey ilaa 2 Juun. Iska diiwaangeli Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa inta ka horreysa Khamiista 28ka Meey 2015 14.00. Waxaad ka heli halkaa Jadwalka rasmiga ah iyo dulucda tabobbarka.

Kala xidhiidh xafiiska saacadaha shaqada: 8.00 – 16.30 [Sabti-Arbaca] 8.00 / 14.00 [Khamiista]

Tabobbarka dhaqanka ee Agabka Hadhaadiga ah

FlyerDhaqankaCourseSomaliSi kor loogu qaado aqoonta dhaqanka hadhaadiga ah, loona kobciyo wacyiga aqooneed ee cidda danaynaysa hiddaha iyo taariikhda, waxa ay Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa qabanaysaa tababbar muddo gaaban ah. Waxa lagu lafa guridoonaa fahanka qiimaha iyo ahmiyadda ay leeyihiin agabka kala duwan ee dadkeenii hore u adeegsan jireen nolosha wejiyada badan, sida: guryaha, cuntada, huga, cibaadada, xoolo dhaqista, samaysashada qalabka shaqada, iwm. Waxa kale oo tabobbarku hordhac u noqon doonaa xirfadlayaasha maamuli doona Guryaha Kaydka Taariikhda (Museums), ilaalinta iyo fahanka goobaha iyo walxaha taariikhiga ah, aqoonsiga iyo dhowrista aasaarta.

Xilliga tabobbarku waa Sabtida 30ka May ilaa Salaasada 2da Juun ee 2015ka. Goobtuna waa Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa. Ka eeg lifaaqa barmaamijka oo dhammaystiran iyo habka isdiiwaangelinta, ama booqo degelka tabobbarka ( Tabobbarku waa bilaash, waxa se xaddidan tirada dadka ka soo qayb gali doona. Sida loo soo kala horreeyo ayaa loo heli doonnaa.

Training on Indigenous Material Culture

FlyerDhaqankaCourseEnglishHargeysa Cultural Center shall organize a short but intensive course on indigenous knowledge and traditional/cultural materials. The aim of the course is to raise awareness of those who are concerned and interested in in-depth understanding of the value and importance of cultural artifacts. The course will focus on recognizing and protecting traditional materials, such those in the past used for shelter building, work tools, household use, sanitation, dressing, spirituality, etc. This will also be an introductory course for professionals in museums and other heritage institutions (curators, directors, conservators and restorers). More…


The Hargeysa Cultural Center was opened in August 2014 in Hargeysa, Somaliland. The Center was established by Redsea Cultural Foundation (RCF). Since its establishment, the Hargeysa Cultural Center has become an important feature in Hargeysa’s cultural landscape. The success of the center owes much to the respect that RCF has gained from its work on running the annual Hargeysa International Book Fair, which, now in its eighth year, has become one of the most admired cultural events in the region.

Mailing form

Our Contacts

26 June Street No. 2, Sha'ab area, Hargeysa, Somaliland


Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa