Call for a workshop: DPU-SUMMERLAB HARGEYSA

Hargeysa: Exploring social cohesion in a segmented city

A SummerLab training for Urban Planners

Redsea Cultural Foundation is pleased to announce Hargeysa DPU-SummerLab workshop to be held from 1st -6th of September 2019. Students and professionals coming from the UK, Ecuador, USA, Uganda, Djibouti, Egypt, and Austria will be joined by 10 students and established professions from Somaliland, for an intensive week-long workshop, to explore the city.

This summerLab will focus on understanding local cultural forms in an urban context substantially altered by past conflict and climate crisis. It will encourage participants (who will, as far as possible, include an equal proportion of local and international delegates) to explore ways that pastoralist and contemporary customs can be retained in a manner that contributes to a positive urban identity in the current period. This will extend to an examination of the ways urban space can be used to encourage social cohesion even where local custom tends to favor the compound dwelling secured behind walls or other barriers. The summerLab will encourage this exploration using a co-working approach, that seeks to bring local and international urbanists together in a dialogue that culminates with the presentation of innovative and exploratory ideas on how Hargeysa might best serve its residents.

The workshop, which is geared towards students and emerging professionals with backgrounds and/or keen interest in the urban environment, will offer a vital testing ground for the proposing of contextual, hybridized spatial interventions deeply embedded into socio-political agendas.

If you are interested, please fill the application form and provide a concise (not more than one-page) motivation letter expressing why it is important for you to join the course along with your updated CV at or bring it in person at Hargeysa Cultural Center.

For more info, please visit

application form

Doing research: a workshop on research approaches and methods

Somaliland is attracting an increasing number and diversity of research projects, offering interesting opportunities for researchers to participate in interesting and potentially valuable projects designed to better understand Somaliland, it’s people and its context. A significant number of young Somali scholars are also pursuing PhDs and other research degrees which call for a similar understanding of research methodologies. This workshop will provide an introduction, over four days, to the different approaches and methods used to collect data in academic and policy-focused research projects. It will cover both qualitative and quantitative methods, and will consider research ethics and the ontologies and epistemologies related to different ways of understanding the research process.
This workshop is being supported by the Development Planning Unit (DPU) of UCL (University College London), UK.
It will be take by Dr Mohamud Hashi Hussein and Dr Michael Walls.
Dr Mohamud Hashi Hussein is an economist with over 20 years of experience in industry, the public sector and research in the UK, and more recently in Somaliland. He has an excellent understanding of the challenges and opportunities for research in the Somali Horn of Africa, as well as in a wide range of thematic areas employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. His research skills and expertise include the quantitative analysis of business responses to regulation and market incentives, and qualitative analysis of behavioural drivers for the uptake of new technologies. Most recent work includes extensive research on the political economy of regulatory policies, including regulatory capture by industry interests.
Dr Michael Walls is a Senior Lecturer at UCL’s Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) and, and for the past fourteen years, his research has focused on the political economy of the Somali Horn of Africa, including the evolving political settlement in Somaliland. He was Chief Observer for the international observation mission to Somaliland’s 2017 presidential election, and has also been a member of the coordination team for missions in 2005, 2010 and 2012 as well as the 2016 Voter Registration process. Michael was Principal Investigator for the ESRC-funded research project ‘Political Settlement in Somaliland: a gendered perspective’, and is currently part of the research team looking at Complex Land Markets in Somaliland and Uganda.

Short course on Photography | HIBF Courses

The course

Redsea Cultural Foundation (RCF) is running a short course on photography on the 17th- 20th July 2017 in Hargeysa as part of the 10th Hargeysa International Book Fair. Places are limited to 10 students for the course and the deadline for the submission of application is before the 10th July 2017.

The course will cover:
– Brief history and principles of photography
– Technical training on manual camera settings: Exposure/Shutter
– Speed/Aperture/Depth of field
– Using natural light and using Flash
– Creative and professional development
– Simple post-production and editing

Requirements for applicants:
Each prospective student should write a short application stating why they want to do the course, and what their experience is so far, with 4/5 photos to support their application. Applicants must have access to a camera that works in ‘manual’ mode, preferably a digital SLR (but it can be a compact camera).

The successful applicants will have to present these in the class and explain what they would like to get out of the course.

Applications need to be submitted in person to the Hargeysa Cultural Centre (HCC) no later than Monday 10th July 2017, 14.30 (2.30 PM Hargeysa Local Time). The course subscription is free. Applicants are required to have HCC membership card which is available upon request at the HCC Office.

Course Lead:
Kate Stanworth is a professional documentary and portrait photographer and photo editor, from London. She has a degree from Norwich School of Art, and a Masters from the University of London. Her clients include many NGOs and publishers and she is working on self-initiated photography projects in Argentina, Somaliland and Europe. Her images have been published by the BBC, Time Out, The Guardian, CNN, International Business Times, High Life Magazine, TANK Magazine, Save the Children, Shelter and Mencap, among many others.

Report of the First Linguistics Workshop held at the Hargeysa Cultural Centre, December 2015

IMG_5349Download PDF: Report of First Linguistics Workshop on Somali Language and Literature

Afka iyo Suugaanta Soomaalida – Kulan-hawleedka Kowaad ee Af-aqoonka (Somali Language and Literature – First Linguistics Workshop)

Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa | Hargeysa Cultural Centre
14-20 December 2015, Hargeysa, Somaliland

The objective of the workshop was to facilitate collaboration among scholars in the field of Somali language studies through presenting their ongoing projects or finished work. This also allowed others who are conducting research, studies, or simply take an interest in the domain of Somali linguistics to learn more about current issues and ideas in this field, and the audience at the workshop actually counted many participants besides the invited scholars, such as students, journalists and writers.


The Hargeysa Cultural Center was opened in August 2014 in Hargeysa, Somaliland. The Center was established by Redsea Cultural Foundation (RCF). Since its establishment, the Hargeysa Cultural Center has become an important feature in Hargeysa’s cultural landscape. The success of the center owes much to the respect that RCF has gained from its work on running the annual Hargeysa International Book Fair, which, now in its eighth year, has become one of the most admired cultural events in the region.

Mailing form

Our Contacts

26 June Street No. 2, Sha'ab area, Hargeysa, Somaliland


Xarunta Dhaqanka ee Hargeysa